Request Data

Query strings

Query strings values can be accessed using the query property of the request context.

import { controller, get } from 'kikwit';
export class Page {
    echo(context) {     
        const offset = context.query.offset;  
        const limit = Math.min(context.query.limit, 50);         
        const categories = context.query.categories;       
        context.sendJSON({ offset, limit, categories });

A GET /page/echo?offset=15&limit=20&categories=laptop&categories=phablet request to the echo action above will return the following JSON document

{ offset: 15, limit: 20, categories: ['laptop', 'phablet'] }

By default the [querystring][querystring-package-url] package's [parse][querystring-package-parse-url] function is used to parse the query string. You can assign a global custom function for query parsing by setting the queryParser configuration property. This function should accept a string and return an object which will accessible via the Context's query property:


    queryParser: querystring.parse,

When the queryParser configuration property is set to false the query string is not parsed at all and the query property is not set.

You also can also assign a custom parser to a specific controller or action only using the @queryParser decorator.

import { controller, get, queryParser } from 'kikwit';
export class Page {
    echo(context) {     
        const offset = context.query.offset;  
        const limit = Math.min(context.query.limit, 50);         
        const categories = context.query.categories;       
        context.sendJSON({ offset, limit, categories });
function myParser(str) {
    let [offset, limit, categories] = str.split('-');
    categories = categories.split(',');
    return { offset, limit, categories };

A GET /page/echo?15-20-laptop,phablet request to the echo action will return the following

{ offset: 15, limit: 20, categories: ['laptop', 'phablet'] }

Request body

The body of the request can be accessed using the body property of the request context.

import { controller, post } from 'kikwit';
export class User {
    register(context) {      
        const username = context.body.username;  
        const gender = context.body.gender;      
        context.sendJSON({ username, gender });

The following request

curl -X POST -F 'username=Shaka Zulu' -F 'gender=M' http://domain.tld/user/register

will return

{ username: 'Shaka Zulu', gender: 'M' }
Request Content Type Default parser
urlencoded Busboy
multipart Busboy
Text None. Context.body is a string
All others None. Context.body is a Buffer

The body parser can be changed by setting a custom bodyParser configuration property. This function should accept a request Context object and return a promise that resolves to an object containing two properties: body and files. The files property should represent the uploaded files is any.


import formidable from 'formidable';

    bodyParser: myParser,
function myParser(context) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        var form = new formidable.IncomingForm();
        form.parse(context.request, function(err, fields, files) {
            if (err) {
                return reject(err);
            return resolve({ body: fields, files });

When the bodyParser configuration property is set to false the body is not parsed at all and the body property is not set.

You also can also assign a custom parser to a specific controller or action only using the @bodyParser decorator.

import { controller, post, bodyParser } from 'kikwit';
export class User {
    register(context) {      

results matching ""

    No results matching ""