
Kikwit supports cookies via the [cookies][cookies-package-url] package which optionally provides cookie signing, to prevent tampering, using the [keygrip][keygrip-package-url] package.

import { controller, get } from 'kikwit';
export class Products {
    index(context) { 
        context.cookies.set('unsigned', '12345');
        context.cookies.set('signed', '67890', { signed: true });    
    details(context) {       
        var unsigned = context.cookies.get('unsigned');
        var signed = context.cookies.get('signed', { signed: true });     
        context.sendJSON({ unsigned, signed });

The keys used to sign the cookies can be set in the config file using the cookieParser.keys entry as follows:

    cookieParser: {
        keys: ['~strong-key-01!', '#strong-key-02?']

Cookie parsing can be disabled by setting the cookieParser to a falsy value.

    cookieParser: null

Please refer to the [cookies][cookies-package-url] package for more info regarding additional features for cookies.

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    No results matching ""