
Controller methods decorated with at least one HTTP method decorator are treated as actions. HTTP method decorators specifiy which HTTP request methods are valid for an action.

import { controller, get, post } from 'kikwit';

export class Products {

    list(context) {

    add(context) {

An action can be decorated by more than one HTTP method decorator.

import { controller, post, put } from 'kikwit';

export class Products {

    edit(context) {

The @all decorator makes the decorated action valid for any HTTP request method.

Supported http methods

Decorator HTTP Method
@all (Any method)
@acl ACL
@baselineControl BASELINE-CONTROL
@checkin CHECKIN
@checkout CHECKOUT
@copy COPY
@get GET
@head HEAD
@label LABEL
@lock LOCK
@merge MERGE
@mkactivity MKACTIVITY
@mkcol MKCOL
@mkworkspace MKWORKSPACE
@move MOVE
@options OPTIONS
@orderpatch ORDERPATCH
@patch PATCH
@post POST
@propfind PROPFIND
@proppatch PROPPATCH
@put PUT
@report REPORT
@search SEARCH
@trace TRACE
@unlock UNLOCK
@update UPDATE
@versionControl VERSION-CONTROL
@uncheckout UNCHECKOUT

results matching ""

    No results matching ""